In recent years cultivation of medicinal plants has started gaining momentum, still a significant part of our requirements continue to be met from wild sources. To meet increasing demand for medicinal plants SMPB focuses on in-situ & ex-situ conservation and augmenting local medicinal plants and aromatic species of medical significance. The SMPB also promote research & development, capacity building through training , raising awareness through promotional activities like creation of Home/School Herbal Gardens. SMPB also seek to support programs for quality assurance and standardization through development of Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACPs), development of monographs laying down standards of quality, safety and efficacy; development of Agro-Techniques and credible institution a mechanism for certification of quality of raw drugs, seeds and planting material. Overall, SMPB's main objective is the development of medicinal plants sector through developing a strong coordination between various ministries/ departments/ organization for implementation of policies / programs on medicinal plants.